Sorry, this event has passed.
- When: Saturday 30 September 2023 12:00 pm - Saturday 30 September 2023 3:00 pm
Event Capacity: 500
- Admission: Admission Free
- Booking: No booking required (drop-in)
- Suitability: All ages
- Venue Name: The Riverside Museum
Come and meet Strathclyde researchers on Saturday 30th September in the Riverside Museum and get hands on with our interactive activities designed to get you thinking and talking with our researchers who can’t wait to share what they do!
- Meet the Really Small Science crew with their hands on, messy activities
- Create a poster to celebrate 75 years of the NHS
- Digital dairy chain – come and see the science behind the milk that goes into your breakfast
- Come and participate in our research on energy use in the home
- Find out how computers see world with the aid of computer vision technology
- Sculpt marshmallow crystals
- Explore 3D holograms and find out how they work
- Create a multilingual art piece and surprise yourself with your multi lingual abilities
- Get hands on with real prosthetic arms and see what they can do
We’ve also got a treasure trail round the museum to complete to claim an Explorathon prize
No booking is necessary, come along and join us.
Contact Details
Jacqueline Beattie
Project Manager
University of Strathclyde
Contact Email: jacqueline.beattie@strath.ac.uk