- When: Thursday 26 November 2020 10:00 am - 11:00 am
- Admission: Admission Free
- Booking: Booking required
- Booking URL: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/125654964381
- Venue Name: Online - Microsoft Teams
Professor Stephen McKinney, University of Glasgow
Dr Rachel Shanks – University of Aberdeen
Sara Spencer – Child Poverty Action Group Scotland
While some progress has made to make school uniform more affordable in Scotland, with the introduction of a national minimum clothing grant, more could be done, for example with statutory guidance on school uniform and dress code policies, through automatic enrolment for the clothing grant and its rollover from one school year to the next. Besides the national minimum clothing grant, another way to make school uniforms more affordable is to regularly review the uniform items required by schools. With the proposed incorporation of the UN Convention of Human Rights into Scots law, school uniform policy will be one area that children and young people should be consulted on as article 12 requires that children and young people are able to influence decisions that affect them.
Join this panel discussion where representatives from the University of Aberdeen, the Child Poverty Action Group and Scottish Youth Parliament, will examine the affordability of school uniform in Scotland. They will also consider young people’s role in influencing what schools do to ensure all children can participate in and influence decisions being made.
Contact Details
Contact Email: cpdservices@abdn.ac.uk